

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Keeping Your Toothbrush Clean On the Go

It's a new year and new travel adventures might be in store for the year ahead. Whether it is for work or for personal, keeping your toothbrush as clean as possible while you are on the go is important to keep your dental health in top shape. There are many critics for toothbrush sanitizer and depending on your own preference, you might not want to go that route. Thanks to an article from colgate.com we can share some tips to help you keep your toothbrush as clean as possible when you travel this year.

"The American Dental Association is skeptical of the benefits of a toothbrush sanitizer and concludes this step may be unnecessary. Keep your toothbrush clean during your travels by following these care options that apply at home as well:

  • Wash your hands before brushing or flossing to avoid transferring the bacteria on your hands to your toothbrush.
  • Rinse the toothbrush thoroughly after use. This removes all toothpaste residue and loose debris in which bacteria may shelter.
  • Store your toothbrush in an upright position so it can dry quickly, located away from the toilet bowl and sink. This avoids the toothbrush being splashed with water that could contain bacteria from either location.
  • Don't share toothbrushes with anyone, regardless of how well you know him or her. Everyone has different oral bacteria, and you don't want to pass on or share each other's bacteria.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three to four months to avoid using one with frayed and worn bristles.

Keeping your toothbrush clean during your travels doesn't require a toothbrush sanitizer if you follow these steps. Keep brushing and flossing daily with quality oral care products, rinse your toothbrush after each use and replace it several times a year, and you'll be as bacteria-free as any sanitizer can make you. (colgate.com)"

If you are looking to jump start your new year with a bright smile and good oral health, come see us today for a checkup and cleaning! We are now accepting new patients in our Germantown, Maryland location. www.germantowndentalcare.com

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