

Monday, October 8, 2018

Halloween Candy Survival Guide

Halloween is right around the corner which means lots of fun outdoor activities and events all leading up to the big night. Whether your child is participating in trick-or-treating, having a classroom celebration or hosting a party of your own, choosing which Halloween candy is best for their health (and their oral health) can be tricky! We all know about some of the obvious choices, but here is a great 'Halloween Candy Survival Guide' from our friends over at Mouth Healthy.

PC: Mouthhealthy.org

"With Halloween comes ghosts, goblins and goodies—and the sugar in those treats can play some unwanted tricks on your teeth if you’re not careful. Here’s why: The bacteria in your mouth are probably more excited to eat Halloween candy than you are. When the bacteria eat the sugar and leftover food in your mouth, a weak acid is produced. That acid is what can contribute to cavities.
'But don’t hang up your costume just yet. “Halloween is about candy, dressing up and having fun,” says ADA dentist Dr. Ana Paula Ferraz-Dougherty. “It’s OK to eat that candy on Halloween as a splurge as long as you’re brushing twice a day and flossing once a day all year long.”

'To help you sort through the trick-or-treat bag loot, we have a rundown of some common candies and their impact on your teeth: Halloween Candy Survival Guide Article! (Mouthhealthy.org)."

To have your child's pre-Halloween or post-Halloween dental checkup, come see Germantown Dental Care today! www.germantowndentalcare.com