

Monday, March 27, 2017

Learning About Porcelain Veneers

Good morning,

Today we are sharing some information on a topic some patients bring up, porcelain veneers. You might have already heard about them but are unsure of what they really are, or what type of patients are good candidates for veneers.

"Porcelain veneers are thin shells of medical-grade ceramic that are attached to the front surfaces of teeth for an immediate smile transformation. Individually crafted for each patient, these cosmetic enhancements are made from advanced material that closely resembles the appearance of natural dental enamel. Dentists can use veneers for an impressive number of cosmetic corrections, ranging from teeth whitening to orthodontic adjustments." 

Who might be a good candidate for porcelain veneers?

"Patients who are considering porcelain veneers are typically looking to address multiple structural or cosmetic issues with their teeth, such as:
-Gaps between teeth
-Minor misalignment

In order to have porcelain veneers placed, patients should:
-Have good periodontal and overall oral health
-Be committed to proper oral care and hygiene
-Have specific cosmetic goals, which they can articulate to their dentists at their initial consultations, as well as realistic expectations
-Have a sufficient amount of healthy enamel, as dentists usually remove a thin layer of enamel before placing veneers"

Of course we encourage everyone to strive for good oral health from the start, so the cost and procedure of porcelain veneers isn't needed, but of course each patient's health and needs are unique to their own selves so it's important to talk to your dentist before making a decision. Contact us today to discuss your oral health and some options you might have by visiting: http://germantowndentalcare.com/

To learn more about the veneers you can visit the article link here.

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