

Monday, November 14, 2016

Nuts Pose Particular Dangers to Teeth

Good afternoon,

As most of you probably know there are certain foods and food groups that are potentially dangerous to your oral health and nuts are one of the big ones! We know that it's unrealistic for our patients to completely abstain from these food groups, so we just ask that you be cautious and careful. According to this article from Dentistry Today, "Patients should be aware that they should contact you (the dentist) for a dental checkup as soon as possible if they have chipped or broken a tooth."

But we know that sometimes patients are unable to get in right away for a variety of reasons. The article helps detail some steps each patient can take if they can't make it in.

"If dental care must wait, there are some first aid treatments that everyone should know. First, rinse your mouth with warm, salted water to clean and soothe it. If there’s bleeding, press a clean cloth on the area to arrest the blood flow. If there is pain, apply a cold pack to the lips, and take some pain reliever. Next, apply temporary dental cement or wax, available over the counter at a drug store, to mask the damage and protect the tongue. Finally, only eat soft foods, chewing away from the damaged tooth."

To see more and read the entire article click here!    If you have been experiencing pain or think you may have a cracked tooth, no matter how small, be sure to come in and see us as soon as it's feasible! You can reach us at: http://germantowndentalcare.com/

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